
Invasion of Ukraine 2022

Click image below to find the latest data from Poland.

All Graphs - Poland 2022


Seventy percent of Poles say their country is on the wrong track – the highest wrong track percentage recorded. More Poles (40%) strongly agree that the world is an increasingly dangerous place than the citizens in the other countries surveyed. A total of 8 in 10 Poles agree the world is a
dangerous place. Only in France (81% agree) do more people feel more threatened by the world.

More than 7 in 10 of Poles (72%) say Russia’s reasons for invading Ukraine are not legitimate – more
than in Hungary (53%), Greece (56%). Germany (66%), Italy (67%), and Romania (69%).

Strong support (61%) for NATO in Poland is higher than in every other country surveyed and 50% of
Poles highly trust NATO. Only high trust for NATO in Romania (51%) surpasses trust for NATO in Poland.

Forty-three percent of Poles strongly agree that Russian aggression is a threat to Polish democracy
and sovereignty. By comparison, 48% of Germans see Russian aggression as a threat to Germany’s
democracy, but only 11% view it as a threat to Germany’s sovereignty. Polish attitudes on the threat
posed by Russia are more in line with Estonia where 43% see Russian aggression as a threat to
democracy and 48% perceive Russia as a threat to Estonia’s sovereignty.

Almost 8 in 10 Poles (79%) support solidarity among European Union countries choosing the
statement “within the EU we need to do everything we can to help countries in need.”

Other country highlights include:
• 84% support (76% strongly support) sanctions against Russia – tied with the Finns for strong support for sanctions.
• 79% agree (55% strongly agree) that Russian disinformation must be stopped – tied with Romania (55% strongly agree) and behind only (Estonia 61% strongly agree) and Finland (59% strongly agree).
• 76% agree (50% strongly agree) that the Russian attack on Ukraine demonstrates the need for a strong, common EU defense policy.
• 72% say Russia’s reasons for invading Ukraine are not legitimate, 28% say there was some legitimacy to Russia’s attack.

Data Poland 2022 as PDF


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